Lulworth cove, Durdle Door, Stair Hole a nádherné staré anglické domky


Lulworth cove, Durdle Door, Stair Hole a nádherné staré anglické domky


Lulworth Cove is a cove near the village of West Lulworth, on the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in Dorset, southern England. The cove is one of the world's finest examples of such a landform, and is a tourist location with over 1 million visitors a year It is close to the rock arch of Durdle Door and other Jurassic Coast sites.... by wikipedia
Počasí nebylo nic moc, ale tohle místo je nádherné snad i za deště....



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Lulworth cove, Durdle Door, Stair Hole a nádherné staré anglické domky
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